Bel Air, Guinea

The Bel Air project is located 15km from the coast near the Cap Verga peninsula, 120km north of Guinea’s capital, Conakry and has a JORC compliant resource of over 146mt of high grade trihydrate bauxite with low reactive silica and a steady state run rate of 5.5 million tonnes per annum.

The mine is an open cast operation, producing Direct Shipping Ore, which is strip mined with surface miners. This method minimises loss and ore dilution but importantly enables ongoing rehabilitation throughout the life of mine. Topsoil from the mining areas is saved to be replaced once the bauxite layer has been extracted, and nurseries have been set up to grow indigenous saplings and plants, one being in a local village run by a community collective. The Bel Air camp site and sections along the haul road have already been replanted and rehabilitation also started on Pit 2 within a year of commencing mining.