Freight Containers

The strength, light weight and durability of aluminium makes it an attractive and economical material for the construction of freight containers.

Aluminium is the predominant material in Unit Load Devices, the containers used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body and specific narrow-body aircraft.  Here light weight and durability are critical characteristics, along with corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand impact and potential blast forces.

In shipping containers too the use of aluminium over traditional heavier material, such as steel, has the potential to increase payloads, while reducing weight and therefore transportation costs.

Aluminium has also proven to be an effective material for the construction of cargo holds, including insulated holds, as it is non-reactive with foodstuffs and other organic cargo contents; is non-abrasive, so won’t damage the cargo; is easy to clean after every cargo is unloaded and can be bonded easily with insulating materials.

Calculate lifecycle greenhouse gas
and energy savings with usage of aluminium.